Jim Davis

Jim Davis

Author Jim Davis

Author Jim Davis is a graduate of Knox College and an MFA candidate at Northwestern University. A poet, essayist, and painter from Chicago, Jim edits the North Chicago Review; his work has appeared in Seneca ReviewBlue Mesa ReviewCafe ReviewSheepshead ReviewWhitefish Review, and Contemporary American Voices, among others. In addition to the arts, Jim is a semi-professional, international American-Football player.



“Canny, brilliant, and unerringly insightful, Jim Davis lives in a world where nothing is ordinary.”

– Robin Stratton, Boston Literary Journal

Awards and Recognitions

  • Nomination, Best of the Net The Cope Paradigm, Lascaux Review
  • Finalist, 46er Prize Adirondack Review, Summer 2013 – Were I to Build a Fortress
  • Contest Winner, 1st Place Line Zero Poetry Contest, Winter 2012 – Good Habits
  • Contest Winner, 2nd Place Eye on Life Poetry Contest – Harvestmen
  • Editor’s Choice Award Scars Publications – Two Poems: Feel & Beat Again and Picnic
  • Contest Winner, Honorable Mention Avalon Literary Journal – Unearthing
  • Contest Winner, Honorable Mention Eye on Life Poetry Contest – A Circle of Stones
  • “Current City” Challenge Winner Up the Staircase Quarterly – The Night the Lights Went out in Andersonville

“When Jim Davis came to us in 2011, we were insanely pleased with his fresh voice and poetic direction. Bringing a crowd of avid followers to his feature reading, he did not disappoint. I am thrilled when new voices like Jim Davis find a home with us, because it is a treat to hear him read. I hope he may become a regular at the Café, so we can all hear more of what Jim Davis has to say.”
– Janet Kuypers, the Café

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